Friday, April 13, 2012

Intro to my 504 EdTech Blog

This is a place for me to track my reflections for my EdTech 504 Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology class. The reflections are designed to better understand the reasons for my actions in the aspect of teaching based on the theories, I learn about in class. I will use this tool in such a way to document and track my progress and my work during the course of the class. We have been given the following guidelines for our reflections in class:

  • Where are you now, in teams of your own teaching and professional practice and the inclusion of educational technology in that process?
  • What kind of change do you hope to see as a result of this class?
  • How might your knowledge and experiences influence the actions of those around you?

I have started a new process this semester by using OneNote to track my thoughts and notes during this class. One of things, I tend to struggle with in the EdTech program is keeping all the information, I have learned, in one place to refer back to. I tried using paper folders, notebooks and screenshots. However, I find myself still printing and digging through piles of paper in my office to find the quote or handout I need.
So far, OneNote allows me to put links, videos, and references all in one place and it’s been pretty easy to find things with in the program after I have saved them. I wished it worked with Zotero.  It has something like it but it just not as good as Zotero.  As I learn more I will make sure to share with all of you.   
I am not going to say that I have completely let go of my paper world yet, but it has decreased quite a bit. I know, I am taking school online but that does not mean those of us who are online learners still don't love paper. My husband finally moved my office upstairs because he could not handle my paper piles anymore. I am a pile organizer and when he moves my papers, I go crazy. The new office is working out better for the both of us.  My hope as I become more knowledgeable about the OneNote application I want to create my paper world to be complete mobile.  The great thing about using OneNote is that it works on my smart phone. 


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